We customize our solutions to meet your requirements for energy savings, HVAC, lighting and other building infrastructure requirements on a consulting basis or turn-key.


We envision IBECE ENERGY as a leading regional energy efficiency and sustainability turn- key provider. Contributing to a Greener and Sustainable Planet, Targeting Reduction in Energy Bills, Achieving Sustainability Goals, and Advocating Green Efficiency, all in Full Compliance with Performance Requirements of International Standards.


To provide customized services to empower individuals, businesses, and communities with innovative and sustainable energy solutions, enabling them to take control of their energy usage, achieve their efficiency, and sustainability goals for a greener and more resilient future.

IBECE Energy is your dedicated partner when you want to take control of your energy usage and achieve your efficiency and sustainability goals for a greener and more resilient future.

Our Energy and Facade Experts are your extended engineers to support with:

• Energy Auditing & Modeling

• Energy Conservation Solutions

• Energy Efficiency Solutions

• Facade Energy Savings Potential Assessment (FESPA)

• Lighting Upgrade and Controls Solutions

• Air Tightness Testing

• Thermography

• Solar Radiation Analysis

• U-value Metering

Our Contractual Role Spreads Over:

Detailed Engineering, Implementation and Execution,Client Representation, and Remote Energy Monitoring and Controlling.